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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Commercial Before & After Photos

Burst sprinkler head at local manufacturing facility

Our team was called in after hours to a manufacturing facility in Kenosha for water damage caused by a burst sprinkler head. Multiple areas were affected includ... READ MORE

Sewage loss at commercial facility

We received a call one early afternoon to come in and take care of a sewage backup from a floor drain at a commercial facility. We had helped this client before... READ MORE

Commercial water loss from busted pipe

During the Polar Vortex of 2019, we were called in after hours to a non-profit commercial facility that experienced a burst pipe. Due to the high volume of call... READ MORE

Local Veterinary Clinic

A local veterinary clinic experienced a sewage backup in their facility right before the Holiday in early July. Floors, carpet and walls were affected in multip... READ MORE

Commercial office building in Kenosha affected by heavy rains

This commercial office building in Kenosha was affected by the heavy rains that passed through Southeast Wisconsin in September. The water damage occurred in th... READ MORE

Clogged toilet in commercial facility

This commercial facility suffered a sewage loss from a clogged toilet in the main floor bathroom which also affected the lower level as well. Some materials had... READ MORE